Alex, the guy who deciphered the PRNG used by slots and made millions (3)

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  • Alex’s attempt to work with slot manufacturers
Alex, recognizing that was becoming too risky for his agents to continue using this system, decided to make last attempt to use his know-how to make money. He contacted Aristocrat – the manufacturer of the slot machines he managed to compromise - directly. Hoping for an 8-digit reward, he offered his services in improving the PRNG (Pseudo Random Number Generator) algorithms and fixing all of the security issues. At the same time he threatened that if Aristocrat didn’t accept his offer, he would sell this sensitive information to their competitors. However, Aristocrat has refused to play his game, despite the fact that he has provided them with all the mathematical details about their vulnerability.

When Aristocrat turned down the offer, he decided to give it another go, and went a bit further by publishing the details of his story. He contacted a journalist who had already covered known facts about his story, and agreed to continue it, by publishing another article with new details.